Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tuesday's Thoughts....

Nothing major to report on the dating front, but had some things on my mind and then I realized...that's what blogging is for, right?

I got an invite to a movie night at a friend's house. I went to look at the invite because I was  wondering if my recent ex "R" would be there. It didn't surprise me to see his name on the invite list especially since the friend that is hosting said party I "inherited" in our first break up about 4 years ago. But what threw me was that it was R +1. Yes. He's already seeing someone enough to have said woman included on the invitation. *sigh*

Yes, your Honor, I would like to plead guilty to the charge of Facebook stalking. Something I don't typically do and am a little embarrassed to admit that I did. However, it did pay off because the +1 looks like a man. Ironically she looks a lot like "R". Wonder what kind of commentary that says about his personality...confirms his narcissistic tendencies?? Perhaps. Made me feel slightly better? Definitely. But now comes the decision on whether to attend this party...alone... I find myself wishing I was dating someone long enough to invite them. I know it's not a competition, but I have this need to make it clear that I'm fine without him (which I am) and I'm moving on (which I'm trying to do). Who knows what I'm going to do. I'm not going to respond to the invite yet. I've got about a month to figure it out. So maybe by then, who knows??


  1. Oh, you've become a stalking woman! Finally, you've joined the ranks. Let me offically welcome you to the party...I mean dark side! :) As for the other party, hmmm...I'm all for outsourcing. Maybe have that great looking 'friend' stand in as 'love interest' for the night.*grins wickedly* That would take your mind off all of it. BTW, that would make for a great opening to a book! Thank you! :D

    1. Haha! Tatum I'm so glad I can inspire new books! As I said before, I'll get my HEA even if it's just in your books! :)
